Today’s topic is travel and how I’ve tried to open up the world to my kids from a young age.
Here in New Jersey the schools have a dedicated few days a year for their teachers’ convention. When this happens and the schools are closed, it appears to be a signal for everyone to fly to Florida and go to Disney. Here comes a very unpopular opinion….Disney kinda sucks. Way overpriced, way overcrowded, not a chance my kids would tolerate standing in long lines for 60 second rides. However, their friends were all going and they asked to go.
So I gave them a choice years ago. This will be an expensive trip and we will only be able to do one small trip there this year. But if they really wanted to go, I would take them. However, if we choose somewhere else, maybe we can do 2 trips a year and see more. Then came the eye opening moment…..there is a ride there that we can stand in line for a long time, get on a fake boat and see fake alligators. Or how would you feel about going to New Orleans, getting on a real airboat and seeing real alligators?? “WHAT??? We can see real alligators?! Let’s do that!!”
So back in 2017 we went to NOLA and never looked back and have been alternating vacations in 3 different types of locations (cities, islands, National Parks) ever since.
If anyone is curious….NO…my kids still haven’t been to Disney and they’ve never asked to go since. I will gladly share more of the places we have been over the years but please feel free to share any places you have visited that were special to you or your family.