Deke and Delaney. Those are my fur babies. I grew up with dogs for most of my childhood and love the joy a dog can bring into your life. As a child I always wanted 2 dogs and since I’m sort of an adult now, I figured, why not??
Our first dog is Deke. Our big, goofy, loveable, 4 year old Goldendoodle. When we were looking for a dog years ago (a Covid dog like many others) I did my research on a good first family dog that doesn’t shed due to our daughter’s allergies. Deke is an F1B Goldendoodle (more poodle than GR) and he doesn’t shed. For anyone looking for a family dog that is intelligent, easy to train, and high energy….that’s a Goldendoodle. Any questions you have on this breed of dog, let me know. Deke is connected to me at the hip and I feel like I could explain away the good, bad, ugly, and quirkiness of them.
Delaney is a Portuguese Water Dog and is now 5 months old. She is a different type of crazy. I once again did my research on a non-shedding dog (Delaney does not shed either as her breed does not have an undercoat). All the research led to two conclusions: wonderful, loyal, high energy dog…..AND…not a great choice for first time dog owners. I’m glad I did my research because her intelligence is a blessing and a curse. She learned her commands early and knows them well. You can sometimes give her a command, she’ll stare at you with those beautiful eyes, and you can just imagine the thought in her head “I understand what you want me to do, but screw you, I’m just not doing it”. Don’t get me wrong, she is wonderful and a terrific addition to the family. You just have to stay on top of the training more with her breed and make sure they are physically and mentally stimulated and exhausted by the end of the day. Unlike the advice I could give on Goldendoodles, please share any thoughts/advice you may have if you happen to be a PWD owner.
I’ll touch next week on how long Deke and Delaney took to get along and the steps you may see when introducing a puppy to an existing dog.