It’s Friday…finally. For all of the fathers out there, now we know the real work begins. For me, I’ll be running to hockey rinks again all weekend getting my son to and from his games. For those of us with kids of that particular age, you know exactly what the weekend experience is like. You get to be a chauffeur and your child’s number one fan. Enjoy it while you can because once it’s done, there is a sadness to it. I no longer get to watch my daughter play softball, field hockey, ice hockey, etc as she did for years now that she is off to college and pursuing her academics of which I’m extremely proud. Now I look forward to her texts, calls, and weekends she comes home to visit us.
I have my son’s high school years to soak up and enjoy every moment I get to watch him until he is off to college somewhere. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It’s ice hockey until spring and then he has baseball from spring through fall until the rotation starts again.
What are you doing this weekend? Rinks, fields, or something in between? Whatever it may be, have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!