Since I’m going to be away for a few days in Chicago, today’s post is really a combo of the next few days because it involves beer, family, and sports.
Last night I played ice hockey with my men’s beer league team. That statement alone obviously covers both beer and sports. What maybe doesn’t immediately jump up at you is the thought of family, but that’s exactly what this group of guys is to me.
I grew up playing sports and it has always (and still is) been a large part of my life.
As a kid we played baseball all the time, back when you played from morning till night in the sandlots or beat up old fields with your friends until it was too dark to see.
I played basketball and football (not particularly well) but had a lot of fun and the bonds you form with teammates can last a lifetime.
My brother told me in my early 20s to learn how to golf so he had someone else to shoot a round with years ago. I’m thankful he coerced me to pick up clubs back then because we always have a great time and now my son plays and gets to enjoy a round with his Dad and his Uncle.
I even played baseball after college for years until the shoulders hurt too much and we started a family.
For many years, I just missed the competitive nature of team sports. I’ll share the entire story another time, but I put on ice skates for the first time at 40 years old and learned how to play hockey. Some of the best friends I have in my life I made at 40 years old because of it. I see these guys once a week which is more than I see my brother, my parents, my in-laws, etc.
Every single guy on my team has been to my house, swam in my pool, drank at my bar, attended my kids’ birthday parties. We’ve had the joy of welcoming my teammates new babies to the world, attended their weddings, been to their parents funerals. These people are my FAMILY and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. I wouldn’t have them in my life if the old dog that I am wasn’t willing to learn a new trick.
So go put on ice skates, or join a bowling league, pickup soccer games, whatever…….
But stay involved, get involved. Just because you’re a dad, father, husband doesn’t mean you aren’t still a man and need something for yourself. And you just might make some new best friends for life!
Enjoy the rest of the week and I’ll post Monday when I return for my trip.