One of the things I want to post about first is taking control of your finances. Many of us defer money from our paychecks into 401Ks that hopefully your employer matches. Great start! Others may have IRAs, Roth IRAs, etc set up through another financial institution which is also fantastic, but I bet the larger percentage of you have no idea what type of return you are getting.
During Covid when I had spare time sitting in front of this computer, I spent a hour or more each morning educating myself on the stock market, ETFs, bonds, and where I thought I could get a better return. Making my money work for me. I learned that there is no amount too small and no age too old to start investing and taking control.
Now I still have a 401K through Fidelity, I have my ROTH accounts through NW Mutual, but once I set up an ETRADE account and learned to not fear investing my own money, things really started to happen.
Depending on your age, stage in life, how much you can afford to invest, are just a few of the hundreds of factors to take into account. But don’t just put your money in a savings account at your bank and think that’s good enough. Take control!! Nobody cares about your money as much as YOU care about your money.
Please let me know any thoughts. I’m sure there is a dad out there who is way more of an expert on this topic so feel free to chime in. We all just want to get ahead a bit. Thoughts??