This article below came across my news feed this morning and caught my attention. I think most people (when you get near my age) start worrying about if there is enough money to retire with at some point or will I need to work until I die. Now all situations are different (add in children, college debt, big mortgages, etc) but we’re all trying to build that nest egg so that one day we can retire and hopefully NOT worry about our finances every day.
Some of the things I particularly liked was this couple apparently didn’t spend money wastefully, they maxed out retirement accounts for years, and they invested well into several ETFs providing them a steady income stream that will hopefully get them to “official” retirement age. Official retirement age being somewhere between 65-67 depending what country you are in but here in the US, you can start collecting Social Security at 62.
The article concludes with the 7 ETFs that they have utilized to provide the income and I can’t argue with any of them. For a couple in their 40s, they all have great returns and what I would also deem a high level of stability. I’m no expert, do your own research. But like I will always say, take control of your finances and do your own due diligence. Nobody cares about your money like you care about your money!
Happy Monday everyone!