Holiday drinking…..

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One of the positives (or negatives) of having a lot of time off during the holidays was the ability to grab a beer (or 4) and know there wasn’t anything pressing in the evening or morning to do. Did I drink too much during the holidays? I’m sure I did. I could definitely feel my body needing a break after awhile and having evening activities and work to go back to has slowed that train down again.

Now I’m a father…but I’m not YOUR father. So I am going to sit here and give you the negatives of drinking? nope.

The majority of people can control themselves when drinking and as I’ve said before…sometimes you just feel like a drink. So if you’re drinking a bit too much in one night (for the record, I don’t do that anymore but I won’t judge), here is the magic combination to get you on track. Write this down friends, you will thank me.

Before a night of heavy drinking, here are the 3 things you need:

  1. A large bottle of Pedialyte
  2. A bottle of Excedrin Migraine
  3. A box of Charco Caps

The Pedialyte hydrates you better than anything else and goes down easy. The Excedrin contains acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. The Charco Caps soak up all that crap in your stomach.

All I can say is……

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